15 Common Myths About Prostate Cancer

10. Prostate Needle Biopsies Damage the Prostate:

A prostate biopsy is the most common method to diagnose prostate cancer and some patients may be concerned that when conducted with a needle, the biopsy may damage the prostate. However, with the correct preparation, patients do not suffer from a prostate needle biopsy, which also has low incidences of infections or other urinary problems.

11. Prostate Needle Biopsies Can Spread the Cancer:

Prostate cancer can spread to other parts of the body, but there is no scientific evidence that needle biopsies can cause metastatic spread. In fact, the biopsy is perfumed using an 18g spring-loaded biopsy needle, which is removed with the sample tissue and stored when the trocar is taken from the prostate. This means that the diseased tissue never touches other healthy tissue.

12. Prostate Cancer Grows Slowly and Does Not Need to Be Treated:

There are different types of prostate cancer, some of them grow slowly and others grow and spread aggressively. In fact, there are cases in which treatment may not be required but it depends on many factors and needs to be decided by both patient and physician. However, prostate cancer is the second most deadly type of cancer among men in the USA. This is why it is important to be followed by a specialized physician, who will evaluate the tumor volumes, the Gleason scores and the regions of the prostate involved, as well as recommend the best course of action.

Find out more about ways to help prevent prostate cancer.

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