VeinViewer Will Help Nurses With IVs and Blood Tests

Anyone with a chronic illness will testify that they spend a lot of time in the doctor’s office having blood work done. Which means getting pricked with a lot of needles, which can sometimes take two or three (or more) attempts to find a compliant vein.

Learn about possible risk factors for prostate cancer here. 

This Humans of the Future Facebook video has the answer to temperamental veins. The VeinViewer is a handheld device that uses near-infrared light to create a digital image of a person’s veins. The machine will help doctors and nurses find veins, making transfusions, inserting IVs, and taking blood samples much quicker and easier for everyone.

The device can also be used to locate valves and bifurcations as deep as 15mm and shows any accidental punctures. It will also help medical professionals find the best point of insertion and will help guide needles through any curves in the veins. It has been found to improve first-time stick success by 100 percent.

Did you know that deadly prostate cancer may be avoided by exercise and a healthy diet?

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