Introducing Our Fantastic ‘Prostate Cancer News Today’ Columnist

Here at Prostate Cancer News Today, we try to bring all the latest research and treatment news to our readers, but we also try to highlight what life is like for those who live with the disease. Among our great team of writers is a columnist who’s opened up about having prostate cancer and is sharing his experience with the world.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank Rick for his contributions and valuable insight, which often offers a different perspective on the disease.

Rick Redner is a medical and psychiatric social worker and the author of two award-winning books about prostate cancer and erectile dysfunction. His column Living and Loving With Prostate Cancer does not shy away from difficult topics, including the decisions he made about his own treatment for the disease.

Among his many articles, Rick offers advice on how to manage living with a catheter, the sexual consequences of urinary incontinence and how to keep your sense of humor after a prostate cancer diagnosis.

Read Rick’s latest column: When Plans to Vacation While Waiting for PSA Results Go Awry

Prostate Cancer News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


  1. Lawrence Glickman says:

    I need to keep hammering one point. There is a constant tragic mistake being advocated by the medical establishment except for a few Doctors and organizations. That mistake is “watchful waiting” and the campaign against the PSA test with the further “Insult” that somehow a rising PSA is OK if you are over 60. This is obviously a cost saving measure for insurance companies and those Doctors that are unfamiliar with the new batch of less invasive procedures and their failure to mention to their patients that they cannot promise that while they wait a metastatic event may or may not occur with dire results long term.

    • Mel Smoke says:

      How true! In cases where months matter, death is the outcome from saving $, which are spent battling the cancer treatment. Good for drug makers

    • Robert Ross says:

      I couldn’t agree more with the opinion expressed above.
      How can the medical community whose charge is to prevent and cure disease be so irresponsible as to not want to so much as see the numbers. They say the tests don’t outweigh the risks. What risks?
      The same goes for mammograms, tell the 39yo. That she doesn’t need the evaluation until she is much older.
      The AMA has become a political organization and is for sale to the highest bidder. There is no logic to many of their decisions.

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