5 Things You Should Know About Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials

3. Not All Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials are the Same

Even if the patient has already decided they want to participate in a prostate cancer clinical trial, it is important they talk to their physician. Participating in a clinical trial involves numerous factors, including the motivation for enrolling in a trial, the stage of the prostate cancer, and the trials available. However, it is also important that patients understand that not all prostate cancer trials are the same. There are different types of prostate cancer studies, different areas of prostate cancer intervention, and different phases of each trial. All of these should be understood before enrolling in a study.

Read more about the different types of prostate cancer clinical trials and where to find them here.

4. Get to Know the Process Behind Prostate Cancer Trials

As much as a prostate cancer patient can be engaged in understanding the disease, clinical trials can be confusing. While some patients take the time to research the pathology of prostate cancer, their specific subtype and stage of the disease, and treatments’ mechanisms of action, it is equally important to get to know the process, function and work of prostate cancer clinical trials before making any decision. Developing a new treatment takes years and the process aims to improve the treatment of diseases and medical conditions without harming people.

Read about how new therapies are developed, tested in clinical trials, and eventually made available to patients with a wide range of diseases, including prostate cancer, here.

One comment

  1. Brian Haselum says:

    I am currently receiving treatment for early metastatic prostate cancer. The treatment resulting from two recent trials, one in the USA Chaarted and one in the U.K. Stampede, using both Docetaxel and Goselerin . I am now halfway through the Chemotherapy 6 doses every three weeks and the first injection of Goselerin 4 weeks ago. I had a PSA test yesterday hopefully results are good

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